Generating Electricity From Ocean Waves

Concept Explanation

Generating Electricity From Ocean Waves

Generating Electricity From Ocean Waves: We can convert the energy of ocean waves into electricity at places where there are strong waves.

Figure shows schematically one setup for generating electricity from waves. A large air-filled object, called a surface follower, floats in the sea and moves up and down with the waves. It is linked to a shaft at the bottom of the sea in such a way that its up-and-down motion is converted into the rotational motion of the shaft. The rotation of the shaft is used to turn the shaft of an electric generator.

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Sample Questions
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Question : 1

In a setup for generating electricity from waves the surface follower is linked to a shaft at the bottom of the sea in such a way that its up-and-down motion is converted into the __________________ of the shaft.

Right Option : A
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Question : 2

Ocean waves are caused by winds which arise due to the heating of the earth's surface by the ______________ .

Right Option : C
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Question : 3

Electricity from the ocean can be generated based on utilizing _______________

Right Option : C
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